5/4/2009 to 5/12/2009 | Arunachal Pradesh , IndiaBy Micah Hanson, on May 12th, 2009  123► The Mechuka valley sits nestled against the border with Tibet north of Along. Unreachable by road until very recently this region is still very untouched by mass tourism. The only place to stay is at the government power and water department rest-house. Although that is about to change, a new tourist bungalow […] 4/29/2009 to 5/3/2009 | Arunachal Pradesh , IndiaBy Micah Hanson, on May 3rd, 2009  1234► Daporijo was not either of our favorite places in Arunachal, even less so for May, who the moment we stepped off the jeep into the dusty market town was looking for a way to get out. I thought it had some possibilities in a kind of “wild east” type of way, but […] 4/24/2009 to 4/28/2009 | Arunachal Pradesh , IndiaBy Micah Hanson, on April 28th, 2009  123456► We only spent a night in the characterless capital of Itanagar, arranging a shared jeep to the Ziro Valley home to the Apatani people. The Apatani women were a historically famed for there beauty, unfortunately this made them prized brides, consenting or not. Reputedly the neighboring tribes would raid the Apatani villages […] 4/15/2009 to 4/23/2009 | Arunachal Pradesh , IndiaBy Micah Hanson, on April 23rd, 2009  123456► Tawang is the most visited region of the little visited state of Arunachal Pradesh. A state which is seldom visited not because it lacks attractions, but more for the bureaucratic hurtles involved in visiting the state. A very sensitive area for the Indians, ever since the Chinese routed them in the war […] | Currently in:Chicago, Illinois, USA |