2/28/2007 to 4/22/2007 | LaosBy Micah Hanson, on April 22nd, 2007  Kong Lor cave, Laos Entries in pdf format from my travels in Laos from when I was still emailing my Travel Journal: Arriving in Laos pdf Trekking in Muang Long pdf Muang Sing pdf Phongsaly pdf Ou Tai pdf Pictures with captions: Phongsaly pdf Muang Ngoi Neua pdf Kids: Nong Kiew and […] 3/8/2007 to 3/12/2007 | LaosBy Micah Hanson, on March 18th, 2007  Phongsali, Laos pdf version of this post with pictures The most Northeastern region of Laos which sticks up in to southern border of China like a thumb is known as Phongsaly. This mountainous, sparsely populated region of Laos is among the most remote in the country and a melting pot of cultures. […] By Micah Hanson, on March 7th, 2007  Akha Woman, Muang Sing, Laos pdf version of this post with pictures I explored Muang Sing for a day on this fine piece of biking equipment, rented for 2 dollars a day. The shock on the front fork is for cosmetic purposes only. I was pleasantly surprised it held […] 3/2/2007 to 3/5/2007 | LaosBy Micah Hanson, on March 7th, 2007  Akha woman, Muang Long, Laos pdf version of this post with pictures I went to the town of Muang Long in search of some off the beaten path trekking. The small town of Muang Long, or perhaps a better description is overgrown village, is two hours along a dirt and gravel road […] 2/28/2007 to 3/7/2007 | LaosBy Micah Hanson, on March 7th, 2007 pdf version of this post with pictures On crossing the border into Laos, I learned a very important lesson for anyone traveling in Laos that is: “There is no hurrying in Laos.” This is one of the countries major appeals making it a great place to relax; since there isn’t really all that much […] | Currently in:Chicago, Illinois, USA |