6/20/2011 to 6/22/2011 | India , NagalandBy Micah Hanson, on June 22nd, 2011  12► Aiyush was both covering and promoting a concert marking World Music Day in Dimapur, the Nagaland City on the border with Assam. I accepted his invitation to come along. Our first stop was a concert/contest for local bands, an event that Aiyush for good reason disavowed any connection with. He was covering […] 4/6/2011 to 4/11/2022 | India , NagalandBy Micah Hanson, on April 11th, 2011  12► I always seem to linger a little longer than I plan in Shiyong, and this trip was no exception. It was nearly a week after Aoling before I finally tore myself away from this pretty hill top village in northeastern Nagaland and the hospitality of Phejin and her family. The week passed […] 4/5/2011 | India , NagalandBy Micah Hanson, on April 5th, 2011  1234► We left the quite village of Shiyong making a day trip into Mon town to view the official Aoling celebration, a program of traditional dance organized by the district government. While not as intimate as the village celebrations, the mass of dancers made for good photography, and we as foreign guests were […] 4/1/2011 to 4/4/2011 | India , NagalandBy Micah Hanson, on April 4th, 2011  123► Fresh off the Meitei festival of Yaoshang, in Imphal, I headed further northeast to my friend Phejin’s village of Shiyong in Nagaland, to partake in another festival, the Konyak festival of Aoling. Being so close, a relative term in India given that it took a day and a half to reach Shiyong […] 10/14/2010 to 10/16/2010 | India , NagalandBy Micah Hanson, on October 16th, 2010  12► Before the long journey back to Delhi, I stuck around in Shiyong to see the inauguration of a new community center built with the help of the Assam Rifles, unit of the Indian Army. Anxious to boost their image in the region the Assam Rifles had built the community center as a […] 10/8/2010 to 10/13/2010 | India , NagalandBy Micah Hanson, on October 13th, 2010  12► After a bit of rest, and rice beer,* back in Shiyong, Phejin, her sister Bonglih, and I paid a visit to the nearby village of Chingphoi about 3 hours walk away. In Chingphoi we stayed with another relative of Phjin’s in their traditional bamboo built house. Perched out on a spur which […] 10/5/2010 to 10/7/2010 | India , NagalandBy Micah Hanson, on October 7th, 2010  123► One of the reasons I had returned to Nagaland was to visit some of the more remote villages along the Nagaland-Myanmar (Burma) border. One of Phejin’s cousins had married a man from Shianghawamsa, a relatively remote village close to this northeastern border. We accompanied the cousin’s sister, still living in Shiyong, on […] 9/29/2010 to 10/4/2010 | India , NagalandBy Micah Hanson, on October 4th, 2010  123► I parted ways with Tam, Kip, and Jen hiding out in Shillong while I got a new Nagaland permit, before returning to for more explorations of Konyak country. It was my third/forth time in Nagaland, depending if you count my permit run to and from Shillong as a new visit or not. […] 9/1/2010 to 9/15/2010 | India , NagalandBy Micah Hanson, on September 15th, 2010  1234► Back in Delhi I arranged a Nagaland permit for Tam, Kip, and I as well as another of Phejin’s friends, Jen, a pointless bit of bureaucratic nonsense that would thankfully be abolished in 2011. I met up with my friends Tam and Kip on the excruciatingly long and inevitably delayed 2 day […] 3/30/2009 to 4/6/2009 | India , NagalandBy Micah Hanson, on April 6th, 2009  123456► I hopped on the Northeast express at Mughal Serai station just south of Varanasi for the long hall to Guwahati, very long, considering the train was 6 hours late by the time it reached Mughal Surai and it only lost more time after that. I was headed back to Nagaland, more precisely […] 11/9/2008 to 12/23/2008 | India , NagalandBy Micah Hanson, on December 23rd, 2008  1234► legacy gallery with captions Phejin’s village of Shiyong is in the Mon district of Nagaland home to the Konyak tribe. Traditionally in the Konyak men were required get a face tattoo at the time of adulthood. The practice was long abandon and now only a few of the older men have the […] 11/12/2008-12/8/2008 | India , NagalandBy Micah Hanson, on December 8th, 2008  1234► legacy gallery with captions I was back in Delhi to take care of a laundry list of tasks that required my presence in the confines of the capital. I needed a new laptop thanks to the Goan cook relieving me previous one in Leh, I needed to clean my camera sensor which […] | Currently in:Chicago, Illinois, USA |