1/18/2009 to 1/20/2009 | BangladeshBy Micah Hanson, on January 20th, 2009  12► “Obama!” with an enthusiastic smile said the bare-chested man in the lungi as he vigorously shook my hand. Hardly the welcome I had expected upon declaring myself an American (one of a few Bengali phases I’d mastered) entering this small Muslim village outside of Jessore. Certainly not the greeting I would have […] 1/14/2009 to 1/17/2009 | BangladeshBy Micah Hanson, on January 17th, 2009  12► From Rajshahi I continued north stopping at Bogra as a base for visiting the remains of the 8th century monastery Somapuri Vihara at Paharpur. Once one of the largest monastery complexes of its time it has now been reduced to a collection of brick foundations, although quite a bit of masonry work […] 1/10/2009 to 1/13/2009 | BangladeshBy Micah Hanson, on January 13th, 2009  123► I spent my one day in Khulna taking a day trip to Bagerhat, site of several 15th century mosques and tombs, including the tomb of a venerated sufi saint by the name of Khan Jahan Ali which is the primary draw for Bangladeshi pilgrims. While the architecture is not spectacular (especially when […] 1/8/2009 to 1/10/2009 | BangladeshBy Micah Hanson, on January 10th, 2009  12► Having traveled thousands of miles along roads of all manner, I would consider myself a veteran of Asian bus travel, and as such very few things raise my pulse when it comes to the often chaotic roads of Asia. I take the passing on blind curves, the often sardine-can-like seating, and one-lane […] 1/4/2009 to 1/7/2009 | BangladeshBy Micah Hanson, on January 7th, 2009  12► I began my stay in Bandarban cursing the place. After being deposited at the bus stand I began looking around for a place to stay with each hotel telling me “no room, booking.” Could Bandarban really be this popular? The only place that “had” a room was the fancy hotel where the […] 12/28/2009 to 1/3/2009 | BangladeshBy Micah Hanson, on January 3rd, 2009  12► The afternoon of Election Day in Dhaka with the streets eerily void of all traffic due to a ban on all motorized vehicles, I walked to the train station to start my journey south to Chittagong gateway city to Bangladesh’s hill districts known as the Chittagong Hill Tracts. Chittagong itself is a […] 11/23/2008 to 12/28/2008 | BangladeshBy Micah Hanson, on December 28th, 2008  123► As I scanned my surroundings I thought of slogan on the poster in lobby of the Bangladesh Embassy in Delhi, “Visit Bangladesh before the tourist come.” They hadn’t come yet, at least not to Tamabil, the small border outpost in northern Bangladesh that seemed to have twice as many coal trucks as […] | Currently in:Chicago, Illinois, USA |